Milk Chocolate Orange Mousse


The combined flavors of milk chocolate, semisweet chocolate, and orange is aromatic and magical -- it looks like a chocolate dessert but the flavor is quite orangey. (Serves 8)


5 ounces milk chocolate

3 ounces semisweet chocolate

2 cups chilled heavy cream

2/3 cup egg whites (from about 5 eggs)

1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp freshly grated orange zest

1 tbsp thawed frozen orange juice concentrate or Grand Marnier liqueur


Melt the chocolate together in the top of a large double boiler set over barely simmering water. Stir well and set aside to cool slightly.

Whip the cream in a stand mixer with the whisk attachment until stiff. Refrigerate it.

In a clean, dry bowl, whip the egg whites until soft peaks form. Add the sugar and continue whipping just until stiff and glossy.

Whisking hard, whisk about a third of the egg whites into the chocolate until well blended. Fold in the next third of the egg whites. Fold in the remaining egg whites just until barely combined. Add the orange zest, orange juice concentrate, and whipped cream and fold until smooth. Portion mousse into individual ramekins or spoon into one large serving bowl. Cover lightly and refrigerate at least one hour or until ready to serve.